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Journal Articles


77) Una festa cesariana a Costantinopoli: i Lupercalia  (De Ceremoniis 1.82) Engramma 200 (2023) 29-35


76) Constantine the Great as Ra: The Egyptian Sun-King in Julians’ Hymn to Helios Basileus, « RET » 10, 2020-2021, pp. 169-191

75) Plotinus the Antipalamite, Zbornik Radova Vizatinološkog Instituta 59 (2022)


74) Il Platone di San Zanipolo in Schola 1.1 (2021) 23-32

73) Psellos’ commentary on the Jesus Prayer, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa. 66.1 (2021) 117-134

72) The gothic psalter in Constantinople, between Crimea and Bologna, Revue des Etudes Tardo-Antiques 9 (2021)  107-120


71) A lifetime with Proclus. Psellos as reader, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 103.1 (2020) 69-80


70) Nations and minorities in Psellos’ Chronographia, Studia Ceranea 9 (2019) 319-331

69) Nonnos and Wulfila, Parekbolai 9 (2019) 19-30


68) Il Tucidide di San Zanipolo (BNF 255) e l’editio princeps di Aldo Manuzio (1502), Thesaurismata 48 (2018) 1-16

67) Leichoudes’ pronoia of the Mangana, Zbornik Radova Vizantinoloskog Instituta 55 (2018) 81-96.

66) Il mecenate Costantino Licudi e la monodia di Michele Psello in memoria di Maria Sclerena (poem 17 Westerink), Parekbolai 8 (2018) 23-35.


65) The Layers of Composition of the Synodikon of Alexius Studites, Studia Ceranea 7 (2017) 121-129

64) Psellos’ imperial poetry, Parekbolai 7 (2017) 151-158


63) Bisanzio e l'islam (1025-1081), Porphyra 25 (2016) 101-112.


62) Who convenes a synod in Byzantium, Θεολογία 86.2 (2015) 105-116

61) Israele e la Bibbia a Bisanzio, Limes Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, November 2015, 101-111


60) Psellos and Plotinus, Byzantinische Zeitschrift (2014) 711-724

59) Achilles at the Battle of Ostrovo: George Maniakes and the reception of the Iliad, Byzantinoslavica 72 (2014) 171-187


58) Paraphrasis as interpretation Psellos and a canon of Cosmas the melodist (poem 24 Westerink), Byzantina 33 (2013) 61-74

57) Areopagitica in Stethatos: a chronology of an interest, Vizantijskij Vremennik 72 (2013) 162-177

56) The mixed life of Plato’s Philebus in Psellos’ Chronographia (6a.8) Zbornik Radova Vizantinološkog Instituta 50.1 (2013) 399-409


55) Pagan energies in Maximus the confessor: the influence of Proclus on the Ad Thomam 5, Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 52.2 (2012) 226-239

54) Synod decrees of the Eleventh Century, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 105.1 (2012) 101-116

53) Autocrate negli encomi imperiali di Psello (1018-1081), Zbornik Radova Vizantinoškog Instituta 49 (2012) 113-125

52) Il primato del sinodo: due trattati bizantini sul canone 28 di Calcedonia, Cristianesimo nella Storia 33.1 (2012) 1-12

51) Psellos the hesychast, a neoplatonic reading of the Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor, Byzantinoslavica 70 (2012) 167-180


50) Bessarion’s political thought: the encomium to Trebizond, Bulgaria Mediaevalis 2 (2011) 189-195

49) La formazione del consenso nella chiesa Bizantina (843-1453) Cristianesimo nella Storia 32.3 (2011) 945-962

48) Stethatos’ Paradise in Psellos’ ekphrasis of Mt Olympos, Vizantijskij Vremennik 70 (2011) 139-151

47) Ortodossia Neoplatonica di Psello in A. Rigo, D’Aiuto, Ortodossia ed Eresia a Bisanzio (secc. IX-XII), Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici 47 (2011) 1-7


46) Students of Pindar and readers of Mitylenaios, Byzantion 80 (2010) 188-196


45) Michael the grammarian's irony about hypsilon. A step towards reconstructing byzantine pronunciation, Byzantinoslavica 67 (2009) 161-168

44) Psellos’ early career at court, Vizantijskij Vremennik 68 (2009) 135-143

43) The miliaresion poet: the dactylic inscription of a coin of Romanos III Argyros, Byzantion 79 (2009) 231-240



42) Psello discepolo di Stetato, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101.2 (2008) 715-725



41) An ironic portrait of a social monk: Christopher of Mytilene and Niketas Stethatos Byzantinoslavica 65 (2007) 201-210

40) Il nesso tra stile e contenuto negli encomi di Psello, Medioevo Greco 7 (2007) 1-10

39) Christopher of Mytilene’s parody of the haughty Mauropous, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100.1 (2007) 125-132.

38) A courtier in the women’s quarters: the rise and fall of Psellos, Byzantion 77 (2007) 251-26

37) Psellos and the Nazireans, Revue des Études Byzantines 65 (2007) 359-364

36) The debate on faith and reason, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 57 (2007) 75-82


Volume chapters


35) La Triade Dynamis - Energeia - Ousia chez Maxime le Confesseur in A. Lecerf, G. Casas P. Hoffmann, Essence, puissance, activité dans la philosophie et les savoirs grecs, Paris 2022, 327-338.

34) Metapoiesis versus allegory: Psellos and Tzetzes on Iliad IV 1-4, in E. E. Prodi, Tzetzikai Ereunai, Eikasmos online 4 (2022) 291-303


33) Hagia Sophia in Venice, in K. Mygdalis, Hagia Sophia The Churches of the Wisdom of God around the World [Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy], Athens 2021, 190-193

32) Fondazione bizantina di Venezia 25 marzo 421, in A. M. Valletta, Venezia 25 marzo 421, Dies Natalis, Venezia 2021, 29-39.

31) Patriarch and synods in the middle byzantine period (843-1081) in Ch. Gastgeber - E. Mitsiou - J. Preiser-Kapeller - V. Zervan (ed.), A Companion to the Patriarchate of Constantinople (Brill Companions to the Byzantine World), Leiden - Boston 2021, 21-41

30) Plato’s Parmenides in Seventh-Century Constantinople, George of Pisidia’s Hexameron, 1639-93, F. Lauritzen S. Wear, Byzantine Platonists 284-1453, Steubenville 2021, 143-155.

29) Bessarion before the synod of Trebizon, S. Mariev, Bessarion’s Treasure, Berlin 2021, 201-210.

28) The byzantine ontology of freedom from Plotinus (6.8) to Maximus the Confessor (Opusculum 7) in I. Yazykova, Dr. Alexei Bodrov Festschrift: Theology of Freedom: Religious and Anthropological Foundations of Freedom in a Global Context, Moscow 2021, 201-22.


27) An Orthodox reception of the Elements of Theology in D. Calma, Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, Volume 2, Leiden 2020, 19-31.

26) Late antique philosophy and the poetry of George of Pisidia in N. Kröll, Myth, Religion, Tradition, and Narrative in Late Antique Greek Poetry, Wiener Studien Beiheft 41 (2020) 59-68


25) Psello e gli oracoli caldaici in Dialoghi con Bisanzio. Spazi di discussione, percorsi di ricerca. Atti dell’VIII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini (Ravenna, 22-25 settembre 2015), a cura di S. Cosentino, M. E. Pomero e G. Vespignani, Spoleto 2019, 549-556


24) Curing the body and soul in eleventh century Constantinople in B. Pitarakis G. Tanman, Life is short, art is long. The art of healing in Byzantium, new perspectives, Istanbul 2018, 31-42


23) The synods of Alexios Studites (1025-1043) in Ch. Gastgeber - E. Mitsiou - J. Preiser-Kapeller, The Patriarchate of Constantinople in Context and Comparison, Vienna 2017, 17-25

22)  La profumeria bizantina in A. Messinis, L’arte del profumo a Venezia, Venezia 2017, 23-43


21) The Renaissance of Proclus in the Eleventh Century, in D. Layne, D. Butorac, Proclus and his Legacy, Berlin 2016, 233-240


20) The ‘constantinian’ moment for the individual and society in J. Farmerée, P. Gisel, H. Legrand, Evangile, moralité et lois civiles / Gospel, morality and civil law, Munich 2015, 225-236.

19) Symphonia in the Byzantine Empire. An ecclesiastical problem in J. Farmerée, P. Gisel, H. Legrand, Evangile, moralité et lois civiles / Gospel, morality and civil law, Munich 2015, 103-110

18) An Athonite assembly described in the typikon of Monomachos, in ΠΕΡΙΒΟΛΟΣ Mélanges offerts à Mirijana Živojinović, Belgrade 2015, 73-81

17)  Between the Past and the East: Symeon Seth’s Nutritional Advice for Michael VII Doukas in B. Pitarakis Life is short but art is long: the art of healing in Byzantium, Istanbul 2015, 124-134


16) Psellos and neoplatonic mysticism: the secret meaning of the Greek alphabet in H. Seng, Bibliotheca Chaldaica / Band 3: Platonismus und Esoterik in byzantinischem Mittelalter und italienischer Renaissance, 2013, 29-45


15) Алексий Студит и Сиро-Якобитская обобщина [Alexios Studites and the Syro Jacobite community] in Церковно-исторические исследования в контексте современной науки, Moscow 2011, 161-164


14) Against the enemies of Tradition: Alexios Studites and the Synodikon of Orthodoxy in A. Rigo, P. Ermilov, Orthodoxy and Heresy, Proceedings of the XX annual conference of Saint Tikhon University, Rome 2010, 41-48.

13) Εἰκὼν τοῦ Θεοῦ: the image of God in byzantine imperial encomia in A. Melloni and R. Saccenti, Imago Dei, München 2010, 217-226


Dictionary entries

12) I panegirici bizantini dal VII al XV secolo. Il modello costantiniano alla corte di Costantinopoli, in AA.VV. Enciclopedia Costantiniana, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma 2013, vol. II.309-319.

11) Costantino e la bizantinistica prima e dopo Francis Dvornik, in AA.VV. Enciclopedia Costantiniana, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma 2013, vol. III.283-289

10) Gli orientali d’Italia in Cristiani d’Italia, Treccani, Roma 2011, 905-911

9) Michael Psellos in D. Thomas and J. Pahlitzsch, Christian and Muslim Relations, a biographical history, 155-159



8) Psellos before the synod (Or. For. 2 Dennis), 22nd Byzantine Studies Congress, Sofia 2011

7) Italos’ struggle with classical culture, 21st Byzantine Studies Congress, London 2006

6) Leo the Deacon’s military and religious digression on Edessa, Abstract of Byzantine Studies Conference, 2002

5) Psellus’ Neoplatonic Theology, Abstract of the Byzantine Studies Conference, 2001



4) R. P. H. Greenfield, Life of Saint Symeon the New Theologian by Niketas Stethatos, Cambridge Mass, 2013 in Medioevo Greco (2014) in stampa

3) Anna Maria Taragna, Ten Centuries of Byzantine Prose: A Selection of Greek Texts, Alessandria 2012, ISBN 9788862744171, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.12.27 []

2) Eirini Afentopoulou-Leitgeb, Die Hymnen des Theoktistos Studites auf Athanasios I. von Konstantinopel, Wien 2008 in Cristianesimo nella Storia 34 (2013) 607-608.

1) Alla I. Romančuk: Studien zur Geschichte und Archäologie des byzantinischen Cherson. Hrsg. v. Heinz Heinen (= Colloquia Pontica; Vol. 11), Leiden / Boston / Tokyo: Brill Academic Publishers The 2005, xiv + 392 S., ISBN 978-90-04-13227-6,

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