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Literature: | Bibliography for eleventh century authors | Psellos Bibliography 2000-2020
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae | Latin Library |
Dictionaries: | Greek - English (Liddell Scott - TLG) | Greek - English (Liddell Scott - Perseus) | English - Greek (Woodhouse) |
References: | Indictions| Odes for Canons |
Prosopography: | 641-867 | 1025-1204 |
Palaeography: | List of elventh Century Manuscripts | Online index of Greek Manuscripts (Pinakes) | Online index of Greek Manuscripts (Medium) |
| Plutei Online |Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams |
Epigraphy: | Searchable Greek Inscriptions |
Papyrology: | Papyrology |
Greek Prose Composition: | North Hillard | Greek Verse Composition: | | |
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