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106) 10th October 2024, The metaphysics of the imperial hierarchy, Bucharest, Romania.

105) 20th September 2024, Byzantine theosis between Orthodoxy and Platoism, Iasi, Romania.


104) 3rd July 2023, Psellos’ Orthodox and Neoplatonic soul, Istituto Ellenico di Studi Buizantini

103) 13th June 2023, Plotinus the Egyptian, Theandrites session of International Society of Neoplatonic Studies, Catania, Italy

102) 19th May 2023, Nonnos and Hieroglyphs, Nonnos in Context V, Madrid

101) 18th April 2023, I bizantini nell’alto adriatico, Giorgio Ravegnani e Frederick Lauritzen, Scuola Dalmata, Venezia, Italia.

100) 21st February 2023, Psellos and the ladder of virtues of John Climakos, Thessaloniki, Greece.



99) 15th December 2022, Byzantine literature and India, New Delhi

98) 28th October 2022, Psellos and music Therapy, Venice

97) 6th April 2022, 18:30-20:00, Feasting on Euripides’ Bacchae on Mt. Olympos: Psellos’ satire of a drunk monk (1055AD) (poem 22 Westerink), Mikolaj Szymanski Doctoral Seminar, Warsaw University.

96) 3rd April 2022, A Northern Irish view of Greek Independence: Castlereagh and the Congress of Verona (1822), Convegno sul Filellenismo, Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini, Venezia

95) 22th February 2022, 11am (Bucarest time) Psellos the monk on Mt. Olympos (1055) Romanian Society for Byzantine Studies.

94) 17-20 February 2022, The Byzantine theology of laughter, Religion and humor, St. Ignatios Folkhögskola, Södertälje, Sweden.



93) 25th October, Plotino Alessandrino, Proclo Costantinopolitano, Byzantine Philosophy and Christian Platonism from Alexandria to Constantinople, Scuola Grande di San Marco, Venice.

92) 13th October 2021, Convivi e dialoghi a Costantinopoli (XI-XII secoli) "Filosofia e convivialità. Dall'Antichità al Medioevo" del 13 ottobre 2021 - proff. Nobili, Saccenti, Università di Bergamo.

91) 2nd October 2021, Psellos and China, Byzantium and China, organised by Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Postbyzantine Studies, Venice and Beijing University, Mystras, Greece.

90) 29th September 2021, Philosopher emperors: Platonic legislation in Constantinople at Byzantinisches Recht im Kontext der internationalen Rechtsgeschichte, at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia Bulgaria.

89) 28th September 2021, Byzantine poetry and the gothic language, Dom Wulfila, Simeonovo, Bugaria

88) 15th -16th June 2021, Dialectics, in eleventh century Constantinople, University of Patras.

87) 8th -12th June 2021, Plotinus the anti-palamite in Theandrites session at International Society of Neoplatonic Studies, American College, Athens.

86) 7th -8th June 2021, A platonic philosopher on Mt. Olympus, Nicholas of the Beautiful Source and Psellos, Reception of Plato conference, University of Athens



85) 27th November, Da Bisanzio a Venezia, protagonisti, idee, libri, Convegno dedicato alla Biblioteca di San Giovanni e Paolo (1487-1797), Scuola Grande di San Marco Venezia.

84) 15th October 2020 Curing the person in Psellos, II conference on Byzantine Platonism, Scuola Grande di San Marco, Venezia and Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Post-Bizantini.

83) 21st March 2020, The Areopagite angels and demons in Psellos, Paris



82) 15th November 2019 Venezia Ortodossa: legami tra Costantinopoli e Serenissima in età paleologa (1261-1453), Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Post-Bizantini, Venezia.

81) 23rd October 2019 Is God free? The byzantine ontology of freedom from Plotinus (Ennead 6.8) to Maximus the Confessor (Opusculum 7), conference organised by the St. Andrew's Biblical Institute, Mosca and presented at the monastery of Bose. [published]

80) 15th September, Psellos’ Heavenly Troy, Conference on Hierotopy organised by Prof. A. Lidov, Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow.

79) 15th July, Plato’s Parmenides in seventh century Constantinople, The Hexaemeron of George of Pisidia. International Plato Society Conference, Paris.

78) 14th May, Byzantine Platonism, Forum Pubblica Amministrazione, EUR, Roma.

77) 11th April, Nations and minorities in Psellos’ Chronographia, Ceraneum, Lodz

76) 28th February, La filosofia della medicina nella Costantinopoli dell’undicesimo secolo, Scuola Grande di San Marco, Venezia.



75) 6th September, Allegory in eleventh- and twelfth-century Constantinople (Iliad 4.1), Tzeztes conference, Venice 6th – 8th September 2018

74) 7th June, San Giovanni e Paolo tra oriente e occidente, Arte fede memoria del luoghi storico religiosi, Scuola Grande di San Marco, Venezia 7th – 8th June 2018.

73) 25th May 2018 Les débats byzantins sur la medicine au XIe siècle, Reims

72) 7th May 2018, I rifugiati greci dalla Fondazione di Roma alla caduta di Costantinopoli, Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani, Venezia

71) 6th March, Gli anatemi a Bisanzio, European Academy of Religion, Bologna



70) 8 December 2017 The philosophy of George of Pisidia’s poetry, conference Late Antique Poetry, Vienna University [published]

69) 22 November 2017 Fondazioni Bizantine e Scuola Grande di San Marco, Scuola Grande di San Marco, Venice [to be published]

68) 25 October 2017 The tradition of Byzantine primacy and the council of Moscow (1917-1918)

organised by St. Andrews Biblical Theological Institute, Moscow, Monastero di Bose

67) 1 June 2017 Nonnos of Panopolis and Wulfila: interpreting the Byzantine Recension, conference Late Antique Poetry workshop, Lisbon



66) 16 December 2016 Psellos' imperial poetry, conference 3rd Parekbolai, Athens. [published]

65) 23 August 2016 Psellos’ philosophical works [Psellos Round Table in Belgrade] 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade Serbia [to be published]

64) 24 August 2016 Poetry of bureaucracy [Anthologies Round Table 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, Serbia

63) 25 August 2016 Synodikon of Alexios Studites [Synodika Round Table] 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Begrade, Serbia [to be published]

62) 10-12 March 2016 La triade Ousia, Dynamis et Energeia chez Maxime le Confesseur, Essence Puissance, Activité classique et Tardive, Paris (part of ERC of Anna Marmodoro, Oxford)

61) 12 February 2016 An orthodox and byzantine reception of the Elements of Theology, conference Les Elements de Theologie et le Livre des causes du V au XVII siècle, Paris (organised by Dragos Calma) [published]


60) 24 September 2015 Psello e gli oracoli caldaici, Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana Studi Bizantini, Ravenna [published]

59) 19 September 2015 Nonnus’ interpretation of the ecumenical councils, Nonnus in Context III, Varsavia

58) 14 March 2015 Curing the body and the soul in eleventh century Constantinople, Pera Museum, Symposium Life is Short - Art is Long, Istanbul [published]


57) 16 June 2014 Porphyry and Psellos, International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, Lisbon (16-21 June)

56) 3 June 2014 Le moment Constantinien, Colloque de l’Académie Internationale de Sciences Religieuses, Goethe Foundation, Klingenthal, France [published]

55) 15 May 2014 Sola Scriptura sed Byzantina: Melanchton’s use of Byzantine poetry to interpret the Gospel of John, Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose, Bologna

54) 4 April 2014 Bessarion's speech before the Synod of Trebizond, Bessarion's Treasure: editing, translating and interpreting Bessarion's literary heritage, Venezia (organised by S. Mariev) [to be published]


53) 12 December 2013, Constantine in Psellos’ encomia, Conference, Constantine and the Grandeur that was Rome, Oxford (organised by Werner de Saeger)

52) 12 November 2013 The ecumenical councils, Whitelands College, Roehampton University, UK

51) 26 June 2013 Paraphrasis as interpretation: Psellos and a canon of Cosmas the Melodist (Poem 24 Westerink), Istituto di Byzantinistica, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU), Belgrade [published in Byzantina 2014]

50) 24 June 2013 The contemplation of Athos’ nature in Byzantine Hesychasm, Holy Mount Athos, The Holy Mount Athos, the Unique Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Belgrade (Organised by V. Yakunin)

49) 31 May 2013 A lifetime with Proclus: the chronology of Psellos' interests, Notre Dame University Centre, London

48) 25 May 2013 Eleventh Century Readers of the writers of Gaza, College de France, Paris

47) 17-22 May 2013 Formule de convocation des Synodes Orthodoxes, Monastero Penteli, Grecia [Published]

46) 19 April 2013 Psellos and neoplatonism, Philosophie in Byzanz, University of Bonn (organised by Prof. Horn) [Published as Psellos and Plotinus, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 2014]

45) 19 March 2013 I sinodi bizantini del VII secolo, Università di Bologna sede di Ravenna (seminar of Prof. S. Cosentino)


44) 14 December 2012 The Proclus Renaissance in Eleventh Century Constantinople, Yildiz University, Istanbul [published]

43) 18 October 2012 Canonomachia and autocephalia : the byzantine discussion on ecclesiastical autonomy in the tenth century, Institut Saint Serge, Paris [published in Cristianesimo nella Storia 2014]

42) 12 September 2012 Synods of Alexios Studites (1025-1043), The Patriarchate in Context, Academy of Sciences of Austria (organised by C. Gastgeber) [published]

41) 30 August 2012 Συμφωνία in the Byzantine Empire, Bologna, Conference Académie Internationale de Sciences Religieuses [published]

40) 23 June 2012 The political protection of Mt Athos, the Typikon of Monomachos, Conference The Holy Mount Athos – the Unique Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Modern World, Weimar (organised by V. Yakunin)

39) 11 May 2012 Il trattato marciano / Ashburn Treatise, Ceraneum, Łódź, Poland


38) 20 December 2011 Presentazione di un volume alla Società Geografica Italiana, Roma

37) 6 December 2011 Orthodoxy and Pluralism, Einstein Forum, Potsdam, Germania [audio published online]

36) 24 August 2011 Psellos before the synod, 22nd International Byzantine Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria

35) 8 July 2011 The literary influence of Athonite monasticism in Western Europe: the lives of Barlaam and Ioasaph, Conference, The contribution of the Holy Mt Athos to European Spiritual and Intellectual Tradition Salisburgo, Austria (organised by V. Yakunin)

34) 29 April 2011 The byzantine anathemas against the Bogomils in the Synodikon M, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, Conference Turnovo centro spirituale e literario durante il 13° secolo (Organised by Prof. Totomanova)


33) 22 November 2010 Alexios Studites and the condemnation of the Syro Jacobite Patriarch, Saint Tikhon University, Moscow [published]

32) 17 November 2010 Il tomos di Sisinio del 997 e l’ultimo concilio ecumenico di Nicea del 787, Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose, Bologna

31) 19-23 July 2010 Psellos and neoplatonic mysticism, for Platonismus und Esoterik in byzantinischem Mittelalter und italienischer Renaissance, Frankfurt (organised Prof. H. Seng) [published]

30) 8 April 2010 Bessarion’s political philosophy: the Encomium to Trebizond, Renaissance Society of America, Venezia [published in Bulgaria Medievalis]

29) 20 March 2010 Psellos and Proclus, Central European University, Budapest

28) 15-17 February 2010 Synods of the Orthodox Tradition, Centre Istina, Paris (Conference organised by F. Lauritzen)


27) 25 November 2009 The digitilization of the Mansi, Congresso dell’Associazione Italiano Studi Bizantini, Venice

26) 13 October 2009 Against the enemies of Tradition: Alexios Studites and the Synodikon of Orthodoxy, St. Tikhon University. (organised by P. Ermilov) [published]

25) 19 August 2009 Plutarch’s legacy in Byzantium: the case of Michael Psellos, Congresso della Federation Internationale des Etudes Classiques, Berlin

24) 16 July 2009 The Imago Dei in Byzantine Imperial Encomia, Castel Rossena [published]

23) 15 June 2009 The Imago Dei in the Chaldean Oracles of Michael Psellos, Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose, Bologna (Organised da P.C.Bori)

22) 18 March 2009 Proposal of COGD IV, Monastero di Bose


21) 12 December 2008 The theology of Christopher Mytilenaios, Ghent, Belgium, Conference Giving a Small Taste of Byantium (organised da C. Demoen e F. Bernard)

20) 5 December 2008 Ortodossia neoplatonica di Psello, Giornata di studi dell‟Associazione Italiana Studi Bizantini, Rome [published]

19) 15 June 2008 Le relazioni diplomatiche e culturali tra il Sacro Romano Impero e l’impero Bizantino, settimana culturale della Hadeburg, Salorno, Bolzano


18) 17 August 2007 Bad Neighbours upset Byzantium, Medieval Congress, Tampere, Finland

17) 12 March 2007 Bessarione ed il Mistico: le radici della controversia su Platone e Aristotele, Villa Spelman, Firenze (Organised da Prof. C. Celenza)

16) 28 February 2007 The Jacobite background to the schism of 1054, Byzantine Studies Seminar, Oxford, UK


15) 25 August 2006 Italos’ struggle with classical culture, International Byzantine Congress, London, UK

14) 12 May 2006, La Physiognomie dans la Chronographie de Psellos, Presentation at Seminar of Professor Bernard Flusin at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France


13) 20 May 2005 A courtier in the Women’s Quarters: The rise and Fall of Michael Psellos, Byzantine Studies Seminar, St. John’s, Oxford, UK [published]


12) 3 December 2004 Byzantine Literary Imperialism: the influence of Greek in the Caucasus and Balkans, Ann Arbor Michigan, USA

11) 26 November 2004 La Theologie Platonicienne de Psellos, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France

10) 9 November 2004 The Roman Marcus Aurelius and the Byzantine Julian, Columbia University, New York, USA (conference with Alan Cameron)

9) 1 April 2004 Psellos’ Demonology as translated by Ficino, Renaissance Studies Association, New York, USA

8) 6 February 2004 Psellos’ Platonism, Conference on Psellos, Notre Dame University, USA (organised by S. Gersh e C. Barber)


7) 16 July 2003 Echoes of the Byzantine Imperial Model in Dante’s De Monarchia, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK.


6) 4 October 2002 Leo the Deacon’s Military and Religious digression on Edessa, Byzantine Studies Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA

5) 10 September 2002 The Use of Classical Historians in Byzantine Literature, Columbia University, New York, USA


4) 20 November 2001 Psellos’ use of insinuation in the Chronographia, Columbia University, New York, USA

3) 9 November 2001 Psellos’s Neoplatonic Theology, Byzantine Studies Conference, Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA

2) 6 February 2001 Psellos’ Neoplatonic Theology, Columbia University, New York, USA


1) 4 December 1998 Byzantine and Classical Sparta, Oxford Byzantine Byzantine Society, Oxford, UK

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